Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Deseo for Men
Posted by nazkha at 11:35 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 30, 2011
عَسَى أَنْ تَكْرَهُوا شَيْئًا وَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لَكُمْ وَعَسَى أَنْ تُحِبُّوا شَيْئًا وَهُوَ شَرٌّ لَكُمْ وَاللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ وَأَنْتُمْ لا تَعْلَمُونَ (٢١٦)
“Boleh jadi, kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu. Allah yang paling mengetahui, sedangkan kamu tidak mengetahui.” (QS. Al-Baqarah:216)
Posted by nazkha at 10:47 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 3, 2011
Doa/Munajat Thaif
Doa/Munajat Thaif
اللّهُمّ إلَيْك أَشْكُو ضَعْفَ قُوّتِي ، وَقِلّةَ حِيلَتِي ، وَهَوَانِي عَلَى النّاسِ يَا أَرْحَمَ الرّاحِمِينَ أَنْتَ رَبّ الْمُسْتَضْعَفِينَ وَأَنْتَ رَبّي ، إلَى مَنْ تَكِلُنِي ؟ إلَى بَعِيدٍ يَتَجَهّمُنِي ؟ أَمْ إلَى عَدُوّ مَلّكْتَهُ أَمْرِي ؟ إنْ لَمْ يَكُنْ بِك عَلَيّ غَضَبٌ فَلَا أُبَالِي ، وَلَكِنّ عَافِيَتَك هِيَ أَوْسَعُ لِي ، أَعُوذُ بِنُورِ وَجْهِك الّذِي أَشْرَقَتْ لَهُ الظّلُمَاتُ وَصَلُحَ عَلَيْهِ أَمْرُ الدّنْيَا وَالْآخِرَةِ مِنْ أَنْ تُنْزِلَ بِي غَضَبَك ، أَوْ يَحِلّ عَلَيّ سُخْطُكَ لَك الْعُتْبَى حَتّى تَرْضَى ، وَلَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوّةَ إلّا بِك
“Ya Allah, aku mengadu kepadaMu kelemahan kekuatanku, sedikitnya kemampuanku dan hinanya aku pada pandangan manusia.
Wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih, Engkaulah Tuhan golongan yang lemah dan Engkau juga Tuhanku. Kepada siapa Engkau serahkan aku ? Kepada orang jauh yang memandangku dengan wajah bengis atau kepada musuh yang menguasai urusanku? Sekiranya Engkau tidak murka kepadaku, aku tidak peduli (apa yang menimpa).
Namun keselamatan daripadaMu lebih melapangkan aku. Aku berlindung dengan cahaya wajah-Mu yang menyinari kegelapan serta memperelokkan urusan dunia dan akhirat.
Aku berlindung daripada kemarahanMu atau kemurkaanMu terkena kepadaku. Engkau berhak untuk mencela aku sehingga Engkau redha. Tiada kuasa dan tiada kekuatan melainkan dengan-Mu.”
Petikan dari kitab Sirah Nabawiah - Ibnu Hisyam
Posted by nazkha at 11:09 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 5, 2011
Kau lah penghujungku
berakhir sudah pencarian cintaku
jiwa ini tak lagi sepi, hati ini tlah ada yang miliki
tiba diriku di penghujung mencari cinta
diri ini tak lagi sepi, kini aku tak sendiri
aku akan menikahimu, aku akan menjagamu
ku kan selalu di sisimu seumur hidupmu
aku akan menyayangimu, ku kan setia kepadamu
ku kan selalu di sisimu seumur hidupmu
tiba diriku di penghujung mencari cinta
hati ini tak lagi sepi, kini aku tak sendiri
aku akan menyayangimu, ku kan setia kepadamu (kepadamu)
ku kan selalu di sisimu seumur hidupmu
wooo aku akan menikahimu, oh aku akan menjagamu
ku kan selalu di sisimu seumur hidupmu
nananana nananana nananana nananana
ku kan selalu di sisimu seumur hidupmu
seumur hidupmu [4x]
Posted by nazkha at 12:48 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Akan Selalu
engkau menemukanku, menemukanku
disaat hidupku tak menentu
engkau hadir untukku menemaniku
kau terima diriku
di dalam lemahku, di dalam lebihku
hingga ketulusanmu
mampu membuatku bahagia
ku akan selalu bersama hatimu
dalam suka dukamu
ku ingin kau tahu
betapa hatiku menyayangi dirimu
ketika sepi datang mengunjung
kau ada untukku, ada untukku
disaat hidupku tak menentu
kau hadir untukku, menemaniku
kuterima dirimu di dalam lemahmu
di dalam lebihmu
karna ketulusanmu
mampu membuatku bahagia
setiap waktu yang berlalu
ingin ku lewati bersama dirimu
dunia seakan milik kita berdua
tak ingin lepas darimu
Posted by nazkha at 2:16 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Kembali Bertarung nanti
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ஜ۩ஜ۩ஜ۩ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Posted by nazkha at 2:15 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
andaikan dulu ...
ku tak pernah mencintaimu
mungkin semua kan berbeda
takkan pernah terjadi kisah kita
andaikan dulu ...
kau tak pernah mencintaiku
mungkin semua kan berbeda
takkan pernah kurasakan duka
kubiarkan semua
yang telah terjadi biarlah ... (biarlah ... )
kusadari semua
bahwa memang cintamu bukan untukku ...
Tlah kuberikan cintaku
tlah kuberikan sayangku
namun nyatanya kau
tak pernah bisa menerima ...
andaikan dulu ...
kau tak pernah mencintaiku
mungkin semua kan berbeda
takkan pernah kurasakan duka
kubiarkan semua
yang telah terjadi biarlah ... (biarlah ... )
kusadari semua
bahwa memang cintamu bukan untukku ...
Posted by nazkha at 3:07 AM 0 comments
Peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj
(Sumber : Kitab Jam'ul-Fawaa`id)
Kesimpulannya Peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj bukan hanya sekadar sebuah kisah sejarah yang diceritakan kembali setiap kali 27 Rejab menjelang. Adalah lebih penting untuk kita menghayati pengajaran di sebalik peristiwa tersebut bagi meneladani perkara yang baik dan menjauhi perkara yang tidak baik. Peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj yang memperlihatkan pelbagai kejadian aneh yang penuh pengajaran seharusnya memberi keinsafan kepada kita agar sentiasa mengingati Allah dan takut kepada kekuasaan-Nya.
Seandainya peristiwa dalam Israk dan Mikraj ini dipelajari dan dihayati benar-benar kemungkinan manusia mampu mengelakkan dirinya daripada melakukan berbagai-bagai kejahatan. Kejadian Israk dan Mikraj juga adalah untuk menguji umat Islam (apakah percaya atau tidak dengan peristiwa tersebut). Orang-orang kafir di zaman Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam langsung tidak mempercayai, malahan memperolok-olokkan Nabi sebaik-baik Nabi bercerita kepada mereka.
Peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj itu merupakan ujian dan mukjizat yang membuktikan kudrat atau kekuasaan Allah Subhanahu Wataala. Allah Subhanahu Wataala telah menunjukkan bukti-bukti kekuasaan dan kebesaran-Nya kepada Baginda Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
Mafhum Firman Allah S.W.T. : "Maha Suci Allah yang telah memperjalankan hamba-Nya pada suatu malam dari Al-Masjidil Haram ke Al-Masjidil Aqsa yang telah kami berkati sekelilingnya agar Kami perlihatkan kepadanya sebahagian dari tanda-tanda kebesaran Kami. Sesungguhnya Dia adalah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Melihat."
(Surah Al-Israa': Ayat 1).
Posted by nazkha at 2:15 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Kata kata..katalah lagi
*Cinta tidak berbalas sama seperti soalan tanpa jawapan.
*Lelaki yang tidak berharta biasanya memiliki lidah bermadu.
*Ketika ditimpa bencana, kita akan mengenali yang mana satu
lawan dan yang mana satu kawan.
* Lelaki berani mungkin akan kalah tetapi tidak akan
* Rahsia hati seseorang ialah sedalam sebuah lautan yang
* Sesiapa yang tidak pernah merasai kepahitan tidak akan
mengenal kemanisan
* Sewaktu senang kita lebih menghargai kekayaan tetapi
sewaktu susah kita akan lebih menghargai kesihatan
Posted by nazkha at 12:35 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Fac Team Dinner @Saisaki
Dinner bersama-sama rakan Fac Division di Saisaki UOA Jalan Pinang, lepas pikit punya pikir decide tahun ni makan Japanese food pulak. Aku tak berapa selesa masa ni coz pening kepala dan perut tak berapa sedap, makanan nampak mcm sedap2 belaka, tapi kalau perut tak terima apa boleh buat, blasah jugak lah tapi sedang-sedang saja. Mula-mula macam last minit nak batalkan penyertaan. Tapi memandangkan ini adalah Dinner yang terakhir ku bersama mereka ku cubalah gagahi jua, Aku suka rakan-rakan sekerjaku kerana mereka sangat memahami dan baik-baik, maafkan daku kerana terpaksa meninggalkan korang semua., pengalaman bekerja bersama sentiasa di hatiku. walaupun berpisah cuma di bezakan Tingkat tapi aku pasti merindui korang semua hehehe. 1 bulan? 2 bulan? masuk bulan ke 3 maka korang semua dah lupalah kan dulu aku bersama korang, betul tak?huhuhu :)
Posted by nazkha at 3:24 AM 4 comments
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Ana bawakan sebuah kisah untuk dijadikan renungan bersama..
Kata si kakak, “begitu jugalah dengan jodoh. Tak yang tertunggu-tunggu. Tak yah cemarkannya dengan couple dan cinta yang tak syarie. Tak yah ternanti-nanti macam nak gila. Tak yah dok buat apa-apa yang tak syarie. Kerna jodoh tu SUNNATULLAH. Allah dah rancang lama dah dulu sebelum kita diciptakan lagi. Sampai masanya nanti, Allah akan tunjukkan jalan ke arah menggapai nikmat cinta tersebut. Dan jalan yang Allah tunjukkan itu amatlah mudah, serta jauh dari fitnah. Jauh dari maksiat, jauh dari segala-galanya yang dilarang oleh Islam.”Pada sebuah malam yang hening, jendela rumah dibuka. Si kakak mengajak adiknya ke arah jendela yang terbuka untuk melihat suasana malam tersebut.
Di jendela, si kakak bertanya kepada adiknya, “Hayatilah suasana malam ini. Apakah ada gunanya jika seseorang itu terlalu tertunggu-tunggu akan siang apabila malam sudah menjelma? Bukan tertunggu-tunggu tahap biasa aje, tapi tertunggu-tunggu tahap ultra la. Tak habis-habis tengok jam menanti bila nak siang.”
Jawab si adik, “Heh, adik rasa tak gunanya tunggu-tunggu bila nak siang macam tu. Orang yang otaknya biul je akan buat macam tu. Betul tak kak? Tak payah tunggu-tunggu bila siang tu nak datang. InsyaAllah, kalau hari masih belum kiamat, siang tu akan datang juga esoknya. Mengikut ketetapan yang telah ditentukan Allah.”
Balas si kakak, “Ye la… Siang tu akan tetap menjelma mengikut ketetapannya. Bukankah itu SUNNATULLAH?”
Si adik mengangguk-angguk.
Posted by nazkha at 12:48 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 3, 2011
In the last couple weeks I have had the fortune to start get to know completely new system, not really new bcoz delayed so many time for so many reason. This is the last trial, i hope will done perfectly.
So here is short introduction to a number of new really super smart friends in our divisyen working hard to learn new system so called UAT Training. Semua genius-genius belaka, hopefully after this berjalan lancar..
At the end of the day, successful IT solution, partnerships and business are all done between people. So being a great team with the right attitude :) Jangan bercakaran like top **** tak membina langsung out spoken huh! talk about Parameter system mapping..etc look like IT expert..printer not connected pun dah tak tau nak solve...cehhh emosional lak aku of the story janganlah showing off nanti terserlah kebodohan. saya budak baru belajar tak pernah mengaku tererr.
Posted by nazkha at 2:11 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
BlackBerry OS7: Everything you need to know
We take a look at what BlackBerry 7 offers, following its launch at BlackBerry World 2011
Published on May 2, 2011
Canadian manufacturer RIM has officially unveiled the next generation of its mobile platform, BlackBerry 7, and the software looks packed the gills with exciting new features which RIM no doubt hope will keep people interested in the BlackBerry brand. But what can we look forward to with this new release?
Well firstly, and perhaps most importantly, Blackberry 7 will launch with the company's next-gen Bold 9900/9930 handsets and will feature on other new devices released by the company in the coming weeks and months. The upgrade will, however, be reserved for new hardware only. Current devices will not be receiving the update to OS 7, according to RIM.
So if you're one of the unlucky souls who recently purchased a shiny new BlackBerry, you have our sympathies, but the decision to reserve the updated firmware for newer devices comes from BlackBerry 7's increased power demands. We aren't sure whether a 'lite' version will make it onto current devices, but we live in hope.
For those of you that have a new BlackBerry on your shopping lists you can look forward to an OS that acts as a proper smartphone OS should. Among the new features you'll find a new and improved browser, augmented by RIM's new JIT (Just-In-Time) JavaScript compiler which also boasts HTML5 support, pinch to zoom and enhanced Flash support, as well as updated HTML rendering.
You'll also be treated to RIM's new Liquid Graphics interface, which aims to bring a consistently high standard of visuals to BlackBerry devices, powered by the updated CPU and GPU capabilities of the newer range of smartphone's.
Owing to the other new capabilities of up and coming devices, the firmware update also includes support for NFC technology and HD video capture, with newer devices able to capture and playback 720p content.
The aesthetic of the new software isn't terribly different from the previous version, though there are some nice new touches that those acquainted with the OS will appreciate.
For example you'll find larger tabs in the browser, allowing you to shift between open windows with ease and the updated Universal Search with voice support will likely please users too.
Another key feature of BlackBerry 7 is BlackBerry Balance, which aims to help users detach their personal and business lives into two separate streams of content on one device, which will doubtless have some users breathing a well deserved sigh of relief.
There isn't a sniff of QNX to be found anywhere in version 7 of the operating system, leaving PlayBook OS alone at the top of RIM's pile in terms of advanced features, another feature that wasn't discussed was the possibility of support for Android applications. But we aren't writing that one off quite yet.
Overall BlackBerry 7 OS does a good job of bringing RIM to within striking distance of its nearest competitors (Apple, we're looking in your direction) and when the new devices launch in the Summer we expect to see a resurgence of love for the brand, as people come flocking back into the BlackBerry fold.
The lack of legacy support may well alienate as many people as the new features entice though, so how successful this release is remains to be seen.
Posted by nazkha at 1:38 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 2, 2011
BlackBerry Playbook VS Apple iPad 2 – Detailed Comparison
Finally, the Apple iPad 2 is out. Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who was there at the iPad 2 launch event, specifically said that 2011 can not be the year of the copycats. This, was said by relating to the fact that other tablet manufacturers in the market haven’t already caught up with the technological advancements of the original iPad, let alone the iPad 2. Apple strongly believes that 2011 will be the year of the iPad 2 as 2010 was most definitely the year of the original iPad.
One such contender in the market, against the iPad, is the yet to be announced BlackBerry Playbook. This particular tablet, comes from RIM, whose price and availability details haven’t been given out as yet. The only niche this particular tablet may target primarily, would be die-hard BlackBerry users.
However, if you’re wondering how the BlackBerry Playbook vs iPad 2 fight turns out to be, you can check out how these two devices come head to head, down below:
BlackBerry Playbook | Apple iPad 2 | |
| |
Manufacturer | RIM | Apple Inc. |
Operating System | QNX based OS | iOS 4.3 |
Processor | 1 GHz Dual Core | A5 Dual Core |
RAM | 1GB | 512 MB (confirmed) |
Memory | 16 GB, 32 GB, 64GB | 16 GB, 32 GB, 64 GB |
Screen size | 7-inch | 9.7-inch |
Dimensions | 5.1 inches tall, 7.6 inches wide, and 0.4 inch thick | 9.5 tall, 7.31 inches wide and 0.34 inch thick |
Multitasking | Yes | Yes |
Camera | Two cameras, front and rear | Two cameras, front and rear |
Video Recording | Yes, 1080p | Yes, 720p |
WiFi and 3G | Yes | Yes |
Flash Support | Yes | No |
microSD Card Slot | No | No |
USB Ports | Yes | No |
Price | Unannounced | Starting at $499 |
So there you have it. The BlackBerry Playbook pitched head to head against the Apple iPad 2.
If there’s any aspect in which the BlackBerry Playbook is better than the iPad 2, it has to be the RAM. Imagine multi-tasking pleasure on a tablet that has 1 gigabytes of RAM. On the other hand, Apple avoided telling us about the RAM on the iPad 2, so its being said that it retains the 256 MB RAM of the previous iPad. Then, the BlackBerry Playbook has USB port while the iPad 2 doesn’t. Other than that, BlackBerry Playbook comes with Flash support, whereas the iPad 2 does not support Flash.
However, the iPad 2 is impressive. Considering the extremely unbelieveable dimensions of the tablet itself, it is amazing to wonder how Apple managed to fit in all that it has in the iPad 2.
BlackBerry Playbook has lost considerable interest because we’ve only been hearing rumours for long about its price and availability, on the other hand, the iPad 2 starts shipping March 11.
Posted by nazkha at 2:40 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Sesungguhnya Kau Yang Maha Esa
Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu , dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu ; Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui.
Kadang-kadang jika nak di pikirkan, kita ni tahu dosa pahala tapi tak pernah ada rasa bersalah jika tak buat sesuatu yang wajib kita lakukan sebagai orang Islam, nak kata Islam warisi turun temurun pun ya jugak. bila time seronok hilang semua batasan, Allahuakhbar malunya aku jika di teliti perjalanan hidup ini adakah diterima Allah menjalar di buminya tanpa rasa bersalah. update Status macam-macam menda yang baik-baik, tapi aku sendiri ikut ker? Adoiii di mana harus aku cari titik untuk menjadi insan yang terbaik? Tak mahu jadi bila Time susah dan Stress Barulah ingat Allah...bermusim-musim jadinya, apa guna mengejar kehidupan dunia semata-mata tapi akhirat satu pun tiada bekalan. Ya Allah gerakkan Hati aku untuk kembali ke jalan yang engkau janjikan kekal abadi.Ya Allah
Kau ampunilah dosa ku yang telah ku perbuat
Kau limpahkanlah aku dengan kesabaran yang tiada terbatas
Kau berikanlah aku kekuatan mental
Kau kurniakanlah aku dengan sifat keredhaan
Kau peliharalah lidahku dari kata-kata nista
Kau kuatkanlah semangatku menempuhi segala cabaran-Mu
Kau berikanlah aku sifat kasih sesama insan
Ya Allah
Sesungguhnya aku lemah tanpa petunjuk-Mu
Aku buta tanpa bimbingan-Mu
Aku cacat tanpa hidayah-Mu
Aku hina tanpa Rahmat-Mu
Posted by nazkha at 11:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 25, 2011
Mutiara kata
Menangisi perpisahan akibat gagal bercinta adalah satu pembaziran mutiara jernih kita dan juga menguji sejauh mana kebodohan kita tetapi dengan menangisi dan menyesali akan dosa kita lantas meminta pengampunan dariNya akan lebih menjamin dunia dan akhirat
Perkataan yang lemah lembut itu melembutkan hati yang lebih keras dari batu batu dan perkataan yang kasar akan mengasarkan hati yang lebih halus dari sutera
Adalah lebih baik memiliki wajah yang hodoh dari lidah yang hodoh kerana wajah yang hodoh tidak mungkin boleh menyakiti hati orang lain tetapi lidah yang hodoh boleh mengeluarkan kata kata yang melukakan
Orang yang tahu mengambil tetapi tidak tahu memberi tidak akan mengecap bahagia
Tiada gunanya 1000 janji janji manis yang dilafazkan sekiranya kau selitkan sekali kata-kata dusta yang kau akhiri dengan kemaafan
Apabila seseorang itu berusaha mencari kebahagian setelah mengalami kegagalan ia perlu beringat, kekecewaan baginya belum berakhir dan kegembiraan pula belum berputik
"Kawan setia sukar dicari tetapi apabila kamu sudah menjumpainya, pastikan kamu tidak kehilangannya."
"Sebaik-baik berfikir ialah memikirkan tentang kebaikan orang terhadap kita dan kejahatan kita terhadap orang."
Posted by nazkha at 6:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Sifat marah cermin jiwa tidak tenteram
- Apabila seseorang itu mabuk, kami pun pegang talinya lalu kami halau ke mana yang kami kehendaki. Dia bekerja untuk kami menurut apa yang kami sukai.
- Apabila orang itu marah, dia akan berkata apa yang tidak diketahuinya dan melakukan sesuatu perkara yang disesalinya.
- Dia seorang yang lokek terhadap apa juga miliknya dan berangan-angan dengan sesuatu yang ia tidak mampu
Posted by nazkha at 2:50 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 3, 2011
BlackBerry Torch 9800 vs Apple iPhone 4
The question is, which should you invest in if you're looking for a touchscreen maestro?
If we're going to compare numbers, the iPhone 4's screen wins hands down, with a much higher resolution 640x960 pixels, 3.5-inch capacitive touchscreen, but don't rule out the BlackBerry Torch's 360x480 pixel, 3.2-inch display. It's crisp, bright and flawless, just as the BlackBerry Bold 9700's is.
The iPhone's resolution may be higher, but seeing as it has more pixels than the human eye can actually see, it's more show over substance.
It is very responsive though and for this reason, the iPhone wins, but after all Apple has had much more practice with capacitive screens than BlackBerry, so you'd kind of expect them to win this one anyway.
Winner: iPhone 4
The iPhone 4's 1Ghz processor may pack a punch, but this doesn't mean it runs faster than the BlackBerry Torch 9800's. The latter may only pack in a 624MHz processor, but BlackBerry memory management is much better than the iPhone's.
At some points, the iPhone struggles and without full fat multitasking, this is a little bit disappointing.
The BlackBerry Torch, however, steams along and doesn't need an enhanced processor to power multitasking as the iPhone 4 does.
Winner: BlackBerry Torch 9800
The iPhone 4's Safari browser was certainly the best on a smartphone up to now, but the BlackBerry Torch 9800's WebKit browser beats the iPhone's. Firstly, it supports tabbed browsing. Sure, you can access multiple pages on the Safari browser, but it's not as smooth as switching between tabs.
The browser also uses your text size preferences to resize text within the browser - ensuring it's always the size you want it to be. The Blackberry webKit browser also renders websites much better than the previous browser, finally!
Winner: BlackBerry Torch 9800
Although BlackBerry will be introducing new APIs to developer, including access to the HTML 5-powered WebKit browser API and carrier billing, applications still come secondary to the App Store's offering. Sure, BlackBerry offers more CRM apps for business users, but for consumers, the iPhone easily conquers BlackBerry.
BlackBerry apps are also notably more expensive than iPhone applications, while there's a lot less choice in App World. You may be able to buy BlackBerry apps from third parties unlike for the iPhone, but iPhone apps are much more inventive and cover a wider range compared to BlackBerry.
Winner: Apple iPhone 4
As every touchscreen phone user will agree, touchscreen keyboards are great once you've got used to them - the iPhone's most certainly included. But hardware keyboards just work, no getting used to required.
This is especially the case when using one so marvellous as the BlackBerry Torch's. Although you can opt to use one of the Torch's virtual keyboards (there are four choices - landscape Qwerty, portrait Qwerty, Alphanumeric and BlackBerry's Suretype), we'd highly recommend using the hardware slide out Qwerty if you're planning on writing a long email.
Winner: BlackBerry Torch 9800
With two new operating systems battling it out, it's no wonder this is a hard call. the iPhone 4's iOS4 was a big improvement over previous iPhone operating systems, down to its multitasking capability, universal inbox and better exchange support.
The BlackBerry already supported these, so instead RIM has added a number of more consumer friendly features into the mix including easier set up for email and social networking, plus push support for RSS feeds, enhanced homescreen customisation, plus a universal search tool that competes with Apple's Spotlight search.
Winner: It's a draw
The iPhone has always excelled when it comes to storage, but to the annoyance of many users, there's still no microSD card slot for you to bump up the memory.
The BlackBerry Torch 9800 ships with a 4GB memory card, but you can give your phone a boost with a microSD card up to 32GB, and more when high capacities become available.
Winner: BlackBerry Torch 9800
Both the iPhone 4 and the BlackBerry Torch 9800 have seen a higher resolution camera installed compared to previous versions. Both 5-megapixels, the iPhone 4's camera supports HD video recording, where the BlackBerry's camera only shoots in SD (VGA resolution).
BlackBerrys have always had great image quality and the Torch 9800 is no different. However, the iPhone 4's camera offers much crisper photos, and a secondary video camera too!
Winner: Apple iPhone 4
Battery life
Kudos does have to go to Apple here - the company has finally managed to produce a phone that lasts all day. However, RIM has always produced handsets that offer the stamina of a horse, because of the company's data management.
The iPhone may have a higher capacity battery (1420mAh in comparison to the Torch's 1300mAh), but it won't keep going for days on end like the BlackBerry will.
Winner: BlackBerry Torch 9800
Both Apple and RIM have introduced two amazing smartphones to the market this year, and in fact, RIM could see its devices becoming mainstream consumer products with the BlackBerry Torch 9800. But which wins?
The iPhone is definitely suited to Apple fanbois, where the BlackBerry Torch could be battling for the Android market, or just those who want something different.
If RIM places advertising in the correct place and networks offer better deals than the iPhone, Apple could be looking at the next revolution right there.
Posted by nazkha at 10:41 AM 2 comments